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Cross Timbers

This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 35 Texas counties. With most of this ecoregion occurring in a swath from central Texas north, its northern reaches extend into southeastern Oklahoma. In Texas, this ecoregion covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Cross Timbers and Prairies vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the Cross Timbers ecoregion.

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Mentzelia albescensWavyleaf Blazingstar
Menispermum canadenseCommon Moonseed
Merremia dissectaAlamo Vine
Noyau Vine
Correhuela De Las Doce
Menodora heterophyllaLow Menodora
Melampodium leucanthumBlackfoot Daisy
Rock Daisy
Plains Blackfoot
Menodora longifloraShowy Menodora
Melica nitensThree-flower Melic
Tall Melicgrass
Threeflower Melicgrass
Mentzelia nudaBractless Blazingstar
Sand Lily
Mentzelia oligospermaStick-leaf
Melothria pendulaGuadeloupe Cucumber
Speckled Gourd
Melothria pendula var. pendulaGuadeloupe Cucumber
Mecardonia procumbensBaby Jump-up
Melochia pyramidataPyramidflower
Pyramid Flower
Mentzelia reverchoniiReverchon's Blazingstar
Reverchon's Stick-leaf
Prairie Stickleaf
Mimosa aculeaticarpaCatclaw Mimosa
Mimosa aculeaticarpa var. biunciferaCatclaw Mimosa
Cat's-claw Mimosa
Mimulus alatusSharpwing Monkeyflower
Sharp-winged Monkeyflower
Mirabilis albidaWhite Four O'clock
Dwarf Four O'clock
Mimosa borealisFragrant Mimosa
Pink Mimosa
Minuartia drummondiiDrummond's Stitchwort
Mirabilis giganteaGiant Four O'Clock
Mimulus glabratusRoundleaf Monkeyflower
Yellow Monkeyflower
Mirabilis linearisNarrowleaf Four O'Clock
Mimosa nuttalliiNuttall's Sensitive Briar
Mirabilis nyctagineaHeartleaf Four O'Clock
Mitreola petiolataLax Hornpod
Mimosa roemerianaRoemer's Mimosa
Sensitive Briar
Mikania scandensClimbing Hempvine
Climbing Hempweed
Mimosa strigillosaPowderpuff
Sunshine Mimosa
Sensitive Plant
Modiola carolinianaCarolina Bristlemallow
Carolina Modiola
Morella ceriferaWax Myrtle
Southern Wax Myrtle
Southern Bayberry
Eastern Bayberry
Tallow Shrub
Monarda citriodoraLemon Beebalm
Purple Horsemint
Lemon Mint
Plains Horsemint
Lemon Horsemint
Purple Lemon Mint
Monarda clinopodioidesBasil Beebalm
Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamot
Monarda lindheimeriLindheimer's Beebalm
Lindheimer Beebalm
Morus microphyllaTexas Mulberry
Littleleaf Mulberry
Mountain Mulberry
Mexican Mulberry
Dwarf Mulberry
Monolepis nuttallianaNuttall's Povertyweed
Monarda punctataSpotted Beebalm
Spotted Horsemint
Monarda punctata var. lasiodontaSpotted Beebalm
Morus rubraRed Mulberry
Mollugo verticillataGreen Carpetweed
Muhlenbergia arenicolaSand Muhly
Muhlenbergia capillarisGulf Muhly
Hair-awn Muhly
Hairy-awn Muhly
Hair Grass
Pink Muhly
Muhlenbergia frondosaWirestem Muhly
Muhlenbergia lindheimeriLindheimer's Muhly
Lindheimer Muhly
Big Muhly
Blue Muhly
Muhlenbergia mexicanaMexican Muhly
Leafy Satingrass
Wirestem Muhly
Muhlenbergia reverchoniiSeep Muhly
Muhlenbergia rigensDeergrass
Meadow Muhly
Deer Muhly
Muhlenbergia schreberiNimblewill
Muhlenbergia sylvaticaWoodland Muhly
Muhlenbergia utilisAparejo Grass
Aparejo Muhly
Myriophyllum heterophyllumTwoleaf Watermilfoil
Myosotis macrospermaLargeseed Forget-me-not
Najas guadalupensisCommon Water Nymph
Southern Water Nymph
Nama hispidumSand Bells
Bristly Nama
Nama jamaicenseJamaicanweed
Jamaican Weed
Fiddleleaf Nama
Nassella leucotrichaTexas Wintergrass
Texas Speargrass
Nekemias arboreaPeppervine
Nephrolepis exaltataBoston Swordfern
Nephrolepis exaltata ssp. exaltataBoston Fern
Sword Fern
Wild Boston Fern
Nemastylis geminifloraPrairie Celestials
Prairie Pleatleaf
Nelumbo luteaAmerican Lotus
Yellow Water Lotus
Yellow Lotus
Neptunia luteaYellow Sensitive Briar
Yellow Puff
Nemophila phacelioidesTexas Baby Blue Eyes
Large-flower Baby-blue-eyes
Baby Blue-eyes
Flannel Breeches
Neptunia pubescensTropical Puff
Neeragrostis reptansCreeping Lovegrass
Nicotiana repandaFiddleleaf Tobacco
Fiddle-leaf Tobacco
Nothoscordum bivalveCrowpoison
False Garlic
Crow Poison
Nolina lindheimerianaDevil's Shoestring
Ribbon Grass
Nolina texanaTexas Sacahuista
Texas Beargrass
Basket Grass
Texas Bear-grass
Nuttallanthus canadensisCanada Toadflax
Blue Toadflax
Old-field Toadflax
Nuphar luteaYellow Pond Lily
Yellow Cow Lily
Cow Lily
Spatter Dock
Nuphar lutea ssp. advenaCommon Spatterdock
Yellow Cow-lily
Yellow Pond-lily
Nuttallanthus texanusTexas Toadflax
Texas Toad-flax
Nyctaginia capitataDevil's Bouquet
Scarlet Muskflower
Nymphaea elegansTropical Royalblue Waterlily
Nymphaea mexicanaYellow Waterlily
Yellow Water-lily
Banana Lily
Banana Waterlily
Sun Lotus
Nymphaea odorataAmerican White Water-lily
Fragrant White Water-lily
Fragrant Water-lily
White Water-lily
Sweet-scented White Water-lily
Sweet-scented Water-lily
Beaver Root
Nymphaea odorata ssp. odorataAmerican White Waterlily
Oenothera curtifloraVelvetweed
Velvetleaf Gaura
Lizard-tail Gaura
Willow Gaura
Oenothera drummondiiBeach Evening-primrose
Beach Evening Primrose
Oenothera filiformisLongflower Beeblossom
Longflower Gaura
Large-flowered Gaura
Kearney Gaura
Tall Gaura
Oenothera grandisShowy Evening-primrose
Largeflower Eveningprimrose
Showy Eveningprimrose
Oenothera heterophyllaVariable-leaf Evening-primrose
Oenothera jamesiiTrumpet Evening-primrose
Trumpet Evening Primrose
River Primrose
Oenothera kunthianaKunth's Evening-primrose
Oenothera laciniataCutleaf Evening-primrose
Cut-leaved Evening Primrose
Oenothera lindheimeriWhite Gaura
Butterfly Gaura
Lindheimer's Beeblossom
Lindheimer's Gaura
Oenothera macrocarpaBigfruit Evening-primrose
Missouri Evening-primrose
Big-fruit Evening-primrose
Missouri Primrose
Bigfruit Evening Primrose
Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. macrocarpaBigfruit Evening-primrose
Missouri Evening Primrose
Oenothera patriciaePlains Beeblossom
Plains Gaura
Oenothera rhombipetalaFourpoint Evening-primrose
Four-point Evening Primrose
Diamond Petal Primrose
Greater Four-point Evening-primrose
Oenothera sinuosaWavyleaf Beeblossom
Wavyleaf Gaura
Oenothera spachianaSpach's Evening-primrose
Oenothera speciosaPink Evening Primrose
Showy Evening Primrose
Mexican Evening Primrose
Showy Primrose
Pink Ladies
Pink Buttercups
Oenothera suffrutescensScarlet Beeblossom
Scarlet Gaura
Oenothera suffultaKisses
Wild Honeysuckle
Roadside Gaura
Oenothera trilobaStemless Evening-primrose
Stemless Evening Primrose
Oenothera villosaHairy Evening Primrose
Oenothera villosa ssp. villosaHairy Evening-primrose
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention