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Cross Timbers

This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 35 Texas counties. With most of this ecoregion occurring in a swath from central Texas north, its northern reaches extend into southeastern Oklahoma. In Texas, this ecoregion covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Cross Timbers and Prairies vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the Cross Timbers ecoregion.

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1,760 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

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Leersia oryzoidesRice Cutgrass
Rice Cut Grass
Lesquerella ovalifoliaRoundleaf Bladderpod
Leptochloa paniceaMucronate Sprangletop
Red Sprangletop
Needle Sprangletop
Leptochloa panicea ssp. brachiataRed Sprangletop
Lespedeza repensCreeping Lespedeza
Creeping Bush-clover
Lesquerella recurvataGaslight Bladderpod
Slender Bladderpod
Lechea san-sabeanaSan Saba Pinweed
Lepuropetalon spathulatumPetiteplant
Lespedeza stueveiTall Bush-clover
Tall Lespedeza
Lechea tenuifoliaNarrowleaf Pinweed
Lespedeza texanaTexas Lespedeza
Texas Bush-clover
Leersia virginicaWhitegrass
Lepidium virginicumVirginia Peppergrass
Virginia Pepperweed
Poor Man's Pepper
Lespedeza violaceaViolet Lespedeza
Lespedeza virginicaSlender Lespedeza
Slender Bush-clover
Liatris acidotaSharp Blazing Star
Sharp Gayfeather
Sharp Liatris
Liatris aestivalisSummer Gayfeather
Summer Blazing Star
Summer Liatris
Linum alatumWinged Flax
Limnodea arkansanaOzark Grass
Lipocarpha aristulataAwned Halfchaff Sedge
Liatris asperaTall Blazing Star
Tall Gayfeather
Tall Liatris
Rough Blazing Star
Rough Gayfeather
Rough Liatris
Button Snakeroot
Linum berlandieriBerlandier's Yellow Flax
Lindera benzoinNorthern Spicebush
Wild Allspice
Linum berlandieri var. berlandieriBerlandier's Yellow Flax
Yellow Flax
Stiff-stem Flax
Lithospermum carolinienseCarolina Puccoon
Hairy Puccoon
Hispid Gromwell
Limonium carolinianumCarolina Sealavender
Sea Lavender
Lipocarpha drummondiiDrummond's Halfchaff Sedge
Lindernia dubiaYellowseed False Pimpernel
Liatris elegansPink-scale Blazing Star
Pink-scale Gayfeather
Pink-scale Liatris
Liatris elegans var. bridgesiiPinkscale Blazingstar
Pinkscale Gayfeather
Linum hudsonioidesTexas Flax
Yellow Flax
Hudson Flax
Linum imbricatumTufted Flax
Lithospermum incisumFringed Puccoon
Golden Puccoon
Narrowleaf Puccoon
Narrow-leaved Puccoon
Narrowleaf Gromwell
Fringed Gromwell
Narrowleaf Stoneseed
Lithospermum matamorenseRough Stoneseed
Linum mediumStiff Yellow Flax
Linum medium var. texanumStiff Yellow Flax
Limnosciadium pinnatumTansy Dogshade
Linum pratenseMeadow Flax
Liatris punctataDotted Blazing Star
Dotted Gayfeather
Dotted Liatris
Liatris punctata var. mucronataTexas Gayfeather
Texas Blazing Star
Texas Liatris
Cusp Liatris
Cusp Blazing Star
Cusp Gayfeather
Narrow-leaf Blazing Star
Narrow-leaf Gayfeather
Liatris pycnostachyaPrairie Blazing Star
Prairie Gayfeather
Prairie Liatris
Kansas Blazing Star
Kansas Gayfeather
Kansas Liatris
Cat-tail Blazing Star
Cat-tail Gayfeather
Cat-tail Liatris
Hairy Button-snakeroot
Linum rigidumStiffstem Flax
Large-flower Yellow Flax
Yellow Flax
Linum rigidum var. rigidumStiffstem Flax
Linum rupestreRock Flax
Liatris squarrosaScaly Blazing Star
Scaly Gayfeather
Scaly Liatris
Liatris squarrosa var. glabrataScaly Blazing Star
Scaly Gayfeather
Scaly Liatris
Linum sulcatumGrooved Flax
Yellow Prairie Flax
Lindheimera texanaTexas Yellowstar
Texas Star
Texas Yellow-star
Lindheimer Daisy
Lonicera albifloraWestern White Honeysuckle
White Shrub Honeysuckle
White Bush Honeysuckle
White Limestone Honeysuckle
Texas Honeysuckle
White Honeysuckle
Lobelia appendiculataPale Lobelia
Lobelia appendiculata var. appendiculataPale Lobelia
Lobelia cardinalisCardinal Flower
Lobelia puberulaDowny Lobelia
Lonicera sempervirensCoral Honeysuckle
Trumpet Honeysuckle
Lobelia siphiliticaGreat Blue Lobelia
Loeflingia squarrosaSpreading Pygmyleaf
Lotus unifoliolatusAmerican Bird's-foot Trefoil
Ludwigia alternifoliaSeedbox
Ludwigia glandulosaCylindric-fruit Primrose-willow
Ludwigia leptocarpaAnglestem Primrose-willow
Ludwigia octovalvisMexican Primrose-willow
Narrow-leaf Water Primrose
Mexican Primrose Willow
Ludwigia octovalvis ssp. octovalvisMexican Primrose-willow
Ludwigia palustrisMarsh Seedbox
Water Purslane
Ludwigia peploidesFloating Primrose-willow
Creeping Water-primrose
Ludwigia repensCreeping Primrose-willow
Floating Primrose-willow
Water Primrose
Lupinus texensisTexas Bluebonnet
Texas Lupine
Buffalo Clover
Wolf Flower
Lythrum alatumWinged Lythrum
Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatumWinged Lythrum
Lance-leaf Loosestrife
Lycopus americanusAmerican Water Horehound
Water Horehound
Lycium berlandieriBerlandier's Wolfberry
Lycium carolinianumCarolina Wolfberry
Carolina Desert-thorn
Creeping Wolfberry
Christmas Berry
Lythrum californicumCalifornia Loosestrife
Lycium carolinianum var. quadrifidumCarolina Wolfberry
Creeping Wolfberry
Carolina Desert-thorn
Lythrum ovalifoliumLow Loosestrife
Stream Loosestrife
Lygodesmia texanaTexas Skeleton Plant
Texas Skeleton Weed
Purple Dandelion
Flowering Straw
Lycopus virginicusVirginia Water Horehound
Virginia Bugleweed
American Water Horehound
Sweet Bugleweed
Water Bugle
Carpenter's Herb
Greeen Archangle
Purple Archangle
Paul's Betony
Egyptian's Herb
Maurandella antirrhinifloraSnapdragon Vine
Roving Sailor
Climbing Snapdragon
Little Snapdragon Vine
Malvaviscus arboreusTurkscap
Wax Mallow
Bleeding Hearts
Mexican Apple
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondiiTurk's Cap
Drummond's Turk's Cap
Drummond Turk's Cap
Wax Mallow
Drummond's Wax Mallow
Drummond Wax Mallow
Red Mallow
Texas Mallow
Mexican Apple
Sleeping Hibiscus
Bleeding Hearts
Malvastrum aurantiacumWright's False Mallow
Matelea bifloraStar Milkvine
Purple Milkweed Vine
Malachra capitataYellow Leafbract
Malva De Caballo
Horse Mallow
Marshallia caespitosaBarbara's-buttons
White Barbara's-buttons
Barbara's Buttons
Marshallia caespitosa var. caespitosaBarbara's Buttons
Marshallia caespitosa var. signataMarked Barbara's-buttons
Marked Barbara's Buttons
Matelea cynanchoidesPrairie Milkvine
Matelea decipiensOldfield Milkvine
Deceptive Milkvine
Deceptive Spinypod
Matelea edwardsensisPlateau Milkvine
Plateau Milkweed Vine
Malpighia glabraBarbados Cherry
Wild Crapemyrtle
Matelea gonocarposAnglepod
Angularfruit Milkvine
Mammillaria heyderiLittle Nipple Cactus
Heyder Pincushion Cactus
Marsilea macropodaBigfoot Water-clover
Largefoot Pepperwort
Machaeranthera pinnatifidaLacy Tansyaster
Yellow Spiny Daisy
Machaeranthera pinnatifida ssp. pinnatifidaLacy Tansyaster
Yellow Spiny Daisy
Machaeranthera pinnatifida var. pinnatifidaLacy Tansyaster
Yellow Spiny Daisy
Maclura pomiferaOsage Orange
Bois d' Arc
Horse Apple
Hedge Apple
Naranjo Chino
Monkey Brains
Matelea reticulataPearl Milkweed Vine
Netted Milkvine
Green Milkweed Vine
Net Vein Milkvine
Machaeranthera tanacetifoliaTahoka Daisy
Tansey-leaf Tansy-aster
Tansyleaf Tansyaster
Mahonia trifoliolataAgarita
Laredo Mahonia
Laredo Oregon-grape
Trifoliate Barberry
Wild Currant
Marsilea vestitaHairy Water-clover
Hairy Waterclover
Hairy Water Clover
Clover Fern
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention