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South Central Plains

This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 42 Texas counties. It extends from the Western Gulf Coastal Plain east across much of Louisiana and north into southeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Arkansas. In Texas, it covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Pineywoods vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the South Central Plains ecoregion.

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2,448 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

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Carex vulpinoideaFox Sedge
Brown Fox Sedge
Carex vulpinoidea var. vulpinoideaFox Sedge
Ceanothus americanusNew Jersey Tea
Centaurea americanaAmerican Basket-flower
American Star-thistle
Star Thistle
Shaving Brush
Basket Flower
Cerastium brachypodumShort-stalk Chickweed
Shortstalk Chickweed
Centaurium calycosumArizona Centaury
Shortflower Centaury
Buckley Centaury
Cercis canadensisEastern Redbud
Cercis canadensis var. canadensisEastern Redbud
Cercis canadensis var. mexicanaMexican Redbud
Cercis canadensis var. texensisTexas Redbud
Ceratophyllum demersumCoon's Tail
Cenchrus echinatusSouthern Sandbur
Ceratophyllum echinatumSpineless Hornwort
Celtis ehrenbergianaDesert Hackberry
Spiny Hackberry
Shiny Hackberry
Centella erectaErect Centella
Erect Spadeleaf
Ceanothus herbaceusPrairie Redroot
Smaller Redroot
Small Redroot
Inland Ceanothus
Fuzzy Ceanothus
Jersey Tea
Celtis laevigataSugar Hackberry
Texas Sugarberry
Southern Hackberry
Lowland Hackberry
Palo Blanco
Celtis laevigata var. reticulataNetleaf Hackberry
Netleaf Sugar Hackberry
Western Hackberry
Sugar Hackberry
Texas Sugarberry
Palo Blanco
Cephalanthus occidentalisCommon Buttonbush
Button Willow
Honey Bells
Honey Balls
Cevallia sinuataStinging Serpent
Stinging Cevallia
Cenchrus spinifexGrass Bur
Coastal Sandbur
Field Sandspur
Southern Sandbur
Spiny Burrgrass
Centaurium texenseLady Bird's Centaury
Texas Centaury
Centrosema virginianumSpurred Butterfly Pea
Butterfly Pea
Chamaesyce acutaPointed Sandmat
Chamaesyce albomarginataWhitemargin Sandmat
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2,448 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention