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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Pine Grove, CA
Dill-like plant in veggie garden in California
I have a plant that appeared in my veggie garden. Looks like dill in spring when green, but the leaves smell more like turpentine! Now, 4-5 foot tall, brown, it produces lots of small, oval - not cr...
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Pine Grove, , CA
Smarty Plants wild sweet pea
We were asked if the seed pods of the wild sweet pea are edible. (California)
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Glencoe, CA
Trees to plant around horse corrals
I would like to know what types of trees would be good to plant around my horse corrals.
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Mountain Ranch, CA
Smarty Plants on Wildflowerology
I know there is a word for everything, but I can't find the offical word for the study of wildflowers. Wildflowerology just doesn't sound right. Can you help?
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Diamond Springs, CA
Trimming oak threatening fence in California
I live in Diamond Springs,California,I have a large oak tree growing between my neighbors' house and mine. A large branch is cracked and in danger of falling on my fence,I would like to lighten it up...
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Placerville, CA
Disease and soil disturbance effects on Pacific madrone
I have a couple acres, here in Northern California Sierra Nevada foothills. My property has many, many trees - quite a few are the beautiful (yet messy!) Arbutus menziesii, or Pacific Madrone. Some ...
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Angels Camp, CA
Methods of planting state wildflowers on roadsides in California
My garden club is initiating a program to plant state hwy 49 within our county with our state flower, California Poppy. Do you have information on using hydroseeding as a method of planting?
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El Dorado Hills, CA
Propagation of Pacific dogwood
When do I plant Pacific dogwood seeds? How deep and far apart should they be planted? The elevation will be around 5k.
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El Dorado Hills, CA
Non-native blue potato bush in El Dorado Hills CA
I have two blue potato bush topiary planted in my front porch in a very big planter. It's getting a full afternoon sun. I am wondering why they are losing their leaves??? Am I overwatering them??? Al...
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Lockeford, CA
Sticky leaves on non-native weeping willow
Our weeping willow trees look healthy but have sticky leaves that attach to everything. They sparkle/shine from this very sticky mess. They are watered regularly, are they getting too much water? ...
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Sonora, CA
Understory plants for Tuolumne Co., CA
My driveway is lined with purple plum trees. I would like to grow something underneath them. What can I grow that will not harm the root system/health of the trees?
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sonora, CA
No Grapes on Vines in Sonora, CA
We have lived in our home since 2002 and have a grapevine that grows beautiful green lush leaves and vines every year but never has produced grapes. What can I do to get some grapes on this vine?
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Sonora, CA
Coreopsis failing to bloom in Sonora CA
My Coreopsis buds form and then die. Very few open. The plants are two and three years old, in a clay type soil. Is it possible they're getting too much water, and that is whats making the buds die ...
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Sonora, CA
Non native crape myrtle changing bloom colors in Sonora CA
I have a Red Rocket Crape Myrtle that was planted a little over a year ago. Last year the bloom was a beautiful deep red and this year it is a Mauvie pink. Is there something I can do to bring it back...
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Folsom, CA
Folsom CA Wall-cover
I live in Folsom, CA and I have an ugly cinder block wall that I want to cover, I want something that is low maintenance and that is going to grow and spread into my grass. The only one i can really t...
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Folsom, CA
Need tree suggestions for a long, narrow strip in Folsom, CA.
I live in Folsom, Ca. I have a long strip (50') of planting area about 2.5' wide at the top of a retaining wall to the fence behind it. I would like to plant alternating (2) trees down this strip to...
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Fair Oaks, CA
Clearing out non-native Himalayan blackberry
Can you recommend a way to clear an area of Himalayan blackberry? We have cut the canes back but wish to eliminate them completely so that we can replant that area with native plants attractive to wil...
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Galt, CA
Are non-native Chinese pistache poisonous to alpacas from Galt CA
Are Chinese Pistachio trees poisonous to alpacas?
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Granite Bay, CA
Changing color of crape myrtle blooms
I have 5 well established crape myrtle trees whose blooms are a very light lavender/pink color. I would like to know if there is any way to deepen or change the color of the blooms. I would prefer a m...
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Citrus Heights, CA
Plants to control erosion in shade in California
I need plants that will help prevent soil erosion on a sloping area under a wood fence. The area has filtered light. thank you!
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Auburn, CA
Discouraging rattlesnakes in northern California
Searching for information re: managing your garden to discourage snakes, especially rattlesnakes. I live in northern California and we have many. I found one of your articles, but the link to an U. of...
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