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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Cumberland, VA
Plant identification
Found thorny bush in woods near my home that I need to identify. It is a tall shrub (approx. 10 feet) that has very large thorns on its green branches. I don't see any flowers yet. It doesn't appear...
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Farmville, VA
Volunteer bluebonnets in Farmville VA
I have two small Texas bluebonnet plants that came with no instructions as to how to plant them regarding soil or sun. Everything I read has to do with seeds, can you please help me? Thank you.
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Powthan , VA
Reproducing Echinacea 'Sunbeam' from Powthan VA
I would like to reproduce a flowering plant- Sundown echinacea. I have a plant now. Can you give me info on how to do it? thanks so much.
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Kents Store, VA
Balancing bloom in beds in Kents Store VA
Our beds along a walkway in rural Central VA have replanted themselves - oenethera speciosa and dwarf yarrow have abandoned the north bed and are flourishing in the south bed. Sedums, lavender and can...
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Troy, VA
What kind of native Junipers will grow in zone 7?
What kinds of native Juniper will grow in zone 7 ? (besides Juniperus scopulorum and J.virginiana).
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Troy, VA
What is the growth rate of the table mountain pine in zone 6 & 7?
How fast growing is the table mountain pine in Zones 6 and 7 in the Appalachians? What is the growth rate?
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Gladstone, VA
Non-native banana trees
I recently planted two types of Banana trees, a Darjeeling and a Giant Nepal. I know that both are hardy to my zone 7 but that the Nepal needed heavy mulching. My first question is how long will it ta...
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Keysville, VA
Plant identification
Identification of woodland plant in a rual area ? we have bears britches and another plant simaler, but the leaves are flat and smooth, each leaf is on a seperate stalk and each plant has 3 stalk...
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Midlothian, VA
Why is my weeping willow looking so bad?
My weeping willow suddenly up and looked like it died Yellow leaves dried up and dropping off It is planted in what is called "Wet lands" Clay soil water wet Just looks like it is dying
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Midlothian, VA
Replacement of non-native red tip photinias in Midlothian VA
I need to replace our long lived red tips. They are now diseased. I would like a fast growing bush that I can trim and make a hedge with. Any suggestions
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Victoria, VA
Large weed removal in Victoria VA
I have a weed problem. Along my house and garage are several weeds that have grown to small-tree size. I plan to rip them out of the ground as soon as it cools off, but I've done this before and they...
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Victoria, VA
Native plants for a barrier hedge
Is there a native hedge I can plant to provide privacy? I have hostile neighbors behind me and would rather plant a hedge than put up a fence. I looked through the Virginia native species and didn'...
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Chesterfield, VA
Native shrub for Chesterfield VA
Need a native shrub for the north side of our house that is deer resistant, not overly sensitive to wind, and can tolerate clay soil. Preferably 3-8 feet. Thanks for your help.
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Chesterfield, VA
Problem with Salvia Mystic Spires in Chesterfield VA
Last August, our local Lowes had these beautiful, unusual blue perennials on the discount rack called "Salvia Mystic Spires". For 50 cents each, they looked terrific, so I bought all they had, about...
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Louisa, VA
Plant identification from Virginia
We found lots of asparagus like stalks growing randomly in our field here in central Virginia. But, instead of an asparagus head it has a tight cluster of leaves that are small and roundish. Any idea...
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Charlottesville, VA
A tree for fall color in VA
I need a small to medium-sized tree for enclosure/privacy screening. I'm looking for a fast-growing, deciduous tap-rooted tree for a lawn area about 30-40' away from an existing mature Linden, and ...
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Charlottesville, VA
Plant to hang over and cover a wall
HI! this is a stumper for me! I have a 6 foot wall bracing a hill on one side and a lawn on the other. It is currently cement and I would like to find something to cover it --evergreen would be the...
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Charlottesville, VA
Would Habiturf or buffalograss work in Charlottesville VA
Hello, I am looking for an alternative to traditional turf grasses. I stumbled upon some information on your site about buffalo grass and LBJWC's 'Habiturf' mix and would like to know if this w...
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Charlottesville, VA
Plants for a bank too steep to mow
Like the inquiry made in late June of 2008, mine involves a bank that is too steep to mow. However, ours is facing south. I am looking for a native grass, plant or groundcover. Any suggestions? ...
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Charlottesville, VA
Sources for Paronychia virginica in Virginia
Greetings, I noticed that you have Paronychia virginica for sale in your spring plant sale. Despite the plant sharing the name of my fair state, I've been unable to find a source for it. Given...
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Charlottesville, VA
Can Crataegus viridian be grown in Houston, TX?
I am looking to plant Crataegus viridis (species or cultivar "Winter King") at a location in full sun in Houston. Many places I've found online say that it is hearty through Zone 9, but others have...
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