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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants

Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Jacksonville, AL
Availability of ruda plants (Ruta graveolens) in Alabama
I want to know is ruda plants available in alabama? If so where can I find it.
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Jacksonville, AL
Mycotrophic plants that develop underground for years in Alabama
I recently heard someone say that there was a plant that took seven years to grow. They stated that the seed is in the ground but it begins the growth under ground but does not come to the surface for...
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Anniston, AL
Spacing of non-native crapemyrtle in Anniston AL
We bought some Dazzle dwarf crepe myrtle bushes. We need to know how far apart to plant them. Thanks
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Gadsden, AL
Pollination by dwarf yaupons of normal size selections in Gadsden AL
Can dwarf varieties of male yaupons be used to pollinate non dwarf female yaupons? Specific males in question are Shillings (Stokes Dwarf) yaupon and Bordeaux Condeaux.
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Riverside, AL
Planting wildflowers and ryegrass in RIverside AL
Love the name, enjoyed a visit last spring. We repaired a retaining wall about 300 ft. and want to plant wildflowers on a strip 5 ft wide. Slope gentle to 1 in 3.5. Hauled in topsoil for fill. Can ...
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Boaz, AL
Male and female Maclura pomifera trees in Boaz AL
To grow a Maclura pomifera female tree, do I have to have a male tree for the female to produce fruit?
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Bremen, GA
Vine with edible nut in Chattooga County, Georgia
From an email to this Master Gardener- The lady said when she was young her grandmother had a vine that grew along ground that produced small edible nut. As kids they called them chew-chews. Any idea ...
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Oneonta, AL
Varieties of lupines that will grow in Zone 7, Alabama
I have just found you and read 500 plus questions, fascinated. My question concerns plants in Alabama, is there a variety of lupine that will grow is zone 7, sun or shade? Also, we purchased acreage t...
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Silver Creek, GA
Are berries of American Beautyberry poisonous?
I have an American Beautyberry Plant and I need to know if the purple berries are toxic - we have dogs and I wouldn't want them to eat them. Thanks for any information you may have on this plant.
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Rockmart, GA
Tree with bright green seeds the size of a softball
My daughter has moved to Taylorsville,Ga and thier are trees that drop bright green seed pods that are round and the size of a soft ball. The outer skin resembles a human brain. Do you have any idea w...
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Rockmart, GA
Fragrant tree found in Savannah
I was in Savannah last weekend and as we were walking through one of the side streets we were hit with the fragrance of Lilac. I grew up around Lilac bushes but never expected a full in bloom single ...
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Trussville, AL
Questions about lilies from Trussville AL
How can I tell what kind of lily I have? Or better yet,what is the difference between Asiatic lily and a daylily? I also noticed someone asked about Cahaba lily. Just want to let you know I grow Caha...
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Trussville, AL
Plant identification of conifer-like low plant in Alabama
When walking in woods of Alabama we found a plant that grows along the ground. looks like a conifer about 2 or 3 inches tall, has a trailing vine under the leaves and pops up little sprigs of greener...
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Dallas, GA
Plant identification of shrub in Georgia
I have a bush that has red berries. It is evergreen and the leaves are a soft green. The berries are white at first and turn red. The bush is like a cluster of twigs that are in one area kind of li...
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Dallas, GA
Bluebonnets in memorial garden in cemetery
When is the peak time to scatter bluebonnet seeds? I have a loved one that recently died, and she requested that her body be cremated. She would like her ashes to be mixed with bluebonnet seeds and ...
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Dallas, GA
Best dogwood to plant in Dallas GA
I am interested in how to select the best dogwood (Flowering) tree to plant in Dallas, GA 30157. The location receives full sun, the soil is typical GA clay/?. I found a list of 20+ Dogwood trees on...
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Dallas, GA
Speed of bluestem grass spreading in Georgia red clay from Dallas GA
How fast does bluestem spread in Georgia red clay?
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Dallas, GA
Plant identfication
We live in a forested area in Rockmart,GA. There is a creek in the woods and a lily type plant that only flowers occasionally. It is white in the center and has thin white spires that jut out from t...
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Grant, AL
Identity of tree in Grant AL
What is the name of the tree in N.E. Alabama that has a big green heart shaped leaf in Nov. with clusters or nuts & blonde small nuts the size of a pea . And deer are eating the small blonde nut in No...
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Alexander City, AL
Restoring tornado-damaged property in Alexander City AL
Dear Mr Smartypants, We were struck by the outbreak of tornadoes last spring and our wonderful woods are now unsightly sloping pastures with erosion problems.. many stumps and coils of roots. We are...
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Alexander City, AL
Wedding Flowers for Alabama
I am considering planting wildflowers for my wedding in early/middle May of 2016. Could I plant seed this fall and have bloom by late April in time for my May wedding?
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