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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Shreveport, LA
Is Texas mountain laurel honey toxic?
I have been told that honey produced from the flowers of my Texas Mountain Laurel (Sophora secundiflora) would not be safe to consume. Is this correct? The only information I have been able to find is...
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Shreveport, LA
Transplant shock in Texas Star hibiscus
Why is my Texas star plant wilting and now is starting to turn yellow? I just bought it from a nursery and put it in a new pot.
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Shreveport, LA
What is the weed of Cortez from Shreveport, LA
I am trying to locate the weed of Cortez. I live in northern Louisiana. Can you please let me know if you have ever heard of this? I was told that is a very rare large red flower that blooms in the sp...
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Bossier City, LA
Plants for near a salt water swimming pool
I need some suggestions of plants that will grow next to a public salt water swimming pool, located in Bossier City, Louisiana
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Bossier City, LA
Native grasses for groundcover in Bossier, LA
What kind of ground cover can I plant on a slope that gets full sun?
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Bossier City, LA
Plant Identification
I have a plant that someone gave me and I don't have a clue what it is. I have a picture of it on my computer. If you can send me a email address where I can send the picture to you, that would be gre...
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Keithville, LA
Plants for under Oak Trees in LA.
What type of plants and grass can be planted under and around oak trees
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Plain Dealing, LA
Evergreen plant to cover parents' graves in Louisiana
We want to plant ground cover on our parents graves in Plain Dealing Cemetery in north Bossier Parish LA. Soil is red clay/dirt. Want native plant, slow growing, short not tall plant, that might sta...
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Marshall, TX
Grass planting time in East Texas
When is a good time to plant grass in East Texas - Harrison County? Thanks so much.
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Marshall, TX
Smarty Plants on plant patents
How would I go about patenting a plant?
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Jefferson, TX
Sources of cut native wildflowers
I am preparing for my garden club's annual flower show and I have been assigned Southern Graces in San Antonio. Is there a source for cut bluebonnets or indian paintbrushes? Thank you.
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Carthage, TX
Need shade friendly native grass for lawn under pine trees in Carthage, TX.
My home is situated on six acres of woods in the East Texas piney woods area. Other than a few beds I have tried to plant, the yard has not been landscaped. I am trying to cover dirt and weeds in a p...
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Carthage, TX
Native grasses for East Texas that require no mowing or watering
What native grass can I grow in deep East Texas that would require no supplemental watering and no mowing?
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Homer, LA
Non-native crapemyrtles changing color in Homer LA
I have six natchez crape myrtles, 2 1/2 years old now. This year, one of them has started blooming in a lavender color. Have you ever heard of this?
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Atlanta, TX
Drought stressed wooly butterflybush in Atlanta, TX
My butterfly bush is dead looking from the drought. Do you think there is a chance it just went dormant and will return next year. I am still putting water on it. I believe it is a white wooly butterf...
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Atlanta, TX
Smarty Plants on southern magnolia
I live in East Texas and there are two 50-year-old southern magnolia trees in front of my house on the highway right-of-way marked to be destroyed. The Texas Department of Transportation has allowed t...
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Atlanta, TX
Plants for edge of pond
We live in Atlanta, Texas. My husband built a beautiful pond that is almost an acre in size. We are fortunate in that one side of the pond is covered by trees and a natural ground cover that keeps w...
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Atlanta, TX
How to grow bluebonnets in Atlanta TX
How can I grow bluebonnets in Atlanta Texas?
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Atlanta, TX
Possibility of propagating buckeye from basal shoots
I have a beautiful red buckeye tree that has small shoots coming up at the base. I would love to share these with my friends. How do I do this?
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Gary, TX
East Texas grasses for holding soils
Hi Mr. Smarty Plants, I have a question about the East Texas area: Specifically, which natvie grasses can be planted to hold the soil/new roads through the winter? Here is the situation: (Against...
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East, TX
Possible causes for plant problems in East Texas
I have been an avid gardener for over 35 years in Texas.I love the wildflowers and use them extensively in my 2 acre plot here in East Texas. There is something really bad going on with my garden: pl...
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