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Monday - July 12, 2010

From: Rio Verde, AZ
Region: Southwest
Topic: Poisonous Plants
Title: Are Chilean Mesquite pods poisonous to dogs?
Answered by: Jimmy Mills


Are chilean Mesquite tree pods poisonous to dogs?


When we get questions about plants toxic to animals, there are several databases listed below that we regularly consult.

Toxic Plants of Texas

Poisonous Plants of North Carolina

Cornell University Plants Poisonous to Livestock

University of Pennsylvania Poisonous Plants

Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System

The ASPCA has a list specific to dogs; Toxic and Non-toxic Plant List—Dogs.

Checking these databases reveals no record of the genus Prosopis being toxic to dogs. The Chilean mesquite, Prosopis chilensis, however is a non-native species, so it may not be listed in the sources above. On the other hand, mesquite beans have been harvested and ground for flour for human consumption for years. In addition, tucked away in this article "Mesquite Trees in Arizona" is the factoid that in the late summer and fall, 80% of a coyote's diet  may consist of mesquite beans.

From all of this, I would conclude that Chilean mesquite beans are probably not toxic to dogs.





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