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Wildflower Center Slide Library

The Wildflower Center Slide Library collection was created in 1984 through the cooperative efforts of plant ecologist Katherine Kennedy and volunteer Betty Scace. Together they did the initial research on slide collection development and management, with the help of Nancy Schuller, slide librarian for the Art History Department of the University of Texas at Austin.

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10,407 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

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Chamaesaracha coniodesGray Five Eyes
False Nightshade
Ground Saracha
Prostrate Ground-cherry
Chamaesaracha coniodesGray Five Eyes
False Nightshade
Ground Saracha
Prostrate Ground-cherry
Chamaesaracha coronopusGreenleaf Five Eyes
Green False Nightshade
Chamaesaracha coronopusGreenleaf Five Eyes
Green False Nightshade
Chaetopappa ericoidesRose Heath
Chaetopappa ericoidesRose Heath
Chamaecrista fasciculataPartridge Pea
Sensitive Plant
Chamaecrista fasciculataPartridge Pea
Sensitive Plant
Chamaecrista fasciculataPartridge Pea
Sensitive Plant
Chamaecrista fasciculataPartridge Pea
Sensitive Plant
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculataPartridge Pea
Showy Partridge-pea
Chorizanthe fimbriataFringed Spineflower
Chamaebatia foliolosaMountain Misery
Chaenactis fremontiiPincushion Flower
Chaenactis glabriusculaYellow Pincushion
Chaenactis glabriusculaYellow Pincushion
Chaenactis glabriusculaYellow Pincushion
Chaenactis glabriusculaYellow Pincushion
Chaenactis glabriusculaYellow Pincushion
Chelone glabraWhite Turtlehead
Chelone glabraWhite Turtlehead
Chelone glabraWhite Turtlehead
Chelone glabraWhite Turtlehead
Chelone glabraWhite Turtlehead
Chelone glabraWhite Turtlehead
Chelone glabraWhite Turtlehead
Chrysopsis gossypina ssp. gossypinaCottony Goldenaster
Chrysopsis gossypina ssp. gossypinaCottony Goldenaster
Chrysopsis gossypina ssp. gossypinaCottony Goldenaster
Chrysopsis gossypina ssp. gossypinaCottony Goldenaster
Chaetopappa hersheyiGuadalupe Leastdaisy
Chaetopappa hersheyiGuadalupe Leastdaisy
Chionophila jamesiiRocky Mountain Snowlover
Chionophila jamesiiRocky Mountain Snowlover
Chamerion latifoliumDwarf Fireweed
Broad-leaf Fireweed
Chamerion latifoliumDwarf Fireweed
Broad-leaf Fireweed
Chamerion latifoliumDwarf Fireweed
Broad-leaf Fireweed
Chamerion latifoliumDwarf Fireweed
Broad-leaf Fireweed
Chamerion latifoliumDwarf Fireweed
Broad-leaf Fireweed
Chasmanthium latifoliumInland Sea Oats
Indian Wood Oats
Wild Oats
River Oats
Flathead Oats
Upland Oats
Upland Sea Oats
Chilopsis linearisDesert Willow
Flowering Willow
Willow-leaved Catalpa
Willowleaf Catalpa
Bow Willow
Flor De Mimbre
Chilopsis linearisDesert Willow
Flowering Willow
Willow-leaved Catalpa
Willowleaf Catalpa
Bow Willow
Flor De Mimbre
Chilopsis linearisDesert Willow
Flowering Willow
Willow-leaved Catalpa
Willowleaf Catalpa
Bow Willow
Flor De Mimbre
Chamaelirium luteumFairywand
Blazing Star
Chamaelirium luteumFairywand
Blazing Star
Chamaelirium luteumFairywand
Blazing Star
Chamaelirium luteumFairywand
Blazing Star
Chrysopsis marianaMaryland Goldenaster
Maryland Golden-aster
Chrysopsis marianaMaryland Goldenaster
Maryland Golden-aster
Chimaphila maculataStriped Prince's Pine
Spotted Wintergreen
Spotted Pipsissewa
Rheumatism Root
Striped Wintergreen
Chimaphila maculataStriped Prince's Pine
Spotted Wintergreen
Spotted Pipsissewa
Rheumatism Root
Striped Wintergreen
Chimaphila maculataStriped Prince's Pine
Spotted Wintergreen
Spotted Pipsissewa
Rheumatism Root
Striped Wintergreen
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chamaesyce melanadeniaRed-gland Spurge
Squaw Sandmat
Red-gland Sandmat
Chamaesyce missuricaPrairie Sandmat
Missouri Spurge
Chamaesyce missuricaPrairie Sandmat
Missouri Spurge
Chamaesyce missuricaPrairie Sandmat
Missouri Spurge
Chamaecrista nictitans ssp. nictitansSensitive Partridge Pea
Partridge Pea
Chelone obliquaRed Turtlehead
Chromolaena odorataBlue Mistflower
Fragrant Mistflower
Blue Boneset
Fragrant Boneset
Jack In The Bush
Siam Weed
Common Flossflower
Christmas Bush
Chrysopsis pilosaSoft Goldenaster
Soft Golden-aster
Chrysopsis pilosaSoft Goldenaster
Soft Golden-aster
Chamaesyce polycarpaSmallseed Sandmat
Chamaesyce polycarpaSmallseed Sandmat
Chamaesyce polycarpaSmallseed Sandmat
Chamaesyce polycarpaSmallseed Sandmat
Chrysothamnus pulchellusSouthwestern Rabbitbrush
Rubber Rabbit Brush
Chamaesyce serpensMatted Sandmat
Prostrate Spurge
Creeping Spurge
Chamaesyce serpensMatted Sandmat
Prostrate Spurge
Creeping Spurge
Chamaesyce serpensMatted Sandmat
Prostrate Spurge
Creeping Spurge
Chamaesyce serpensMatted Sandmat
Prostrate Spurge
Creeping Spurge
Chamaesaracha sordidaHairy Five Eyes
False Nightshade
Chamaesaracha sordidaHairy Five Eyes
False Nightshade
Chamaesaracha sordidaHairy Five Eyes
False Nightshade
Chloracantha spinosaSpiny Chloracantha
Mexican Devil-weed
Chaenactis stevioidesSteve's Dustymaiden
Desert Pincushion
Esteve’s Pincushion
Chaenactis stevioidesSteve's Dustymaiden
Desert Pincushion
Esteve’s Pincushion
Chloris ×subdolichostachyaShortspike Windmillgrass
Chloris ×subdolichostachyaShortspike Windmillgrass
Chaerophyllum tainturieriHairyfruit Chervil
Southern Chervil
Chaerophyllum tainturieriHairyfruit Chervil
Southern Chervil
Chaerophyllum tainturieri var. tainturieriHairyfruit Chervil
Hairy-fruit Chervil
Wild Chervil
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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10,407 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page