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Wildflower Center Slide Library

The Wildflower Center Slide Library collection was created in 1984 through the cooperative efforts of plant ecologist Katherine Kennedy and volunteer Betty Scace. Together they did the initial research on slide collection development and management, with the help of Nancy Schuller, slide librarian for the Art History Department of the University of Texas at Austin.

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Uvularia sessilifoliaSpreading Bellwort
Straw Lily
Wild Oats
Sessile-leaf Bellwort
Sessile Bellwort
Uvularia sessilifoliaSpreading Bellwort
Straw Lily
Wild Oats
Sessile-leaf Bellwort
Sessile Bellwort
Uvularia sessilifoliaSpreading Bellwort
Straw Lily
Wild Oats
Sessile-leaf Bellwort
Sessile Bellwort
Uvularia sessilifoliaSpreading Bellwort
Straw Lily
Wild Oats
Sessile-leaf Bellwort
Sessile Bellwort
Uvularia sessilifoliaSpreading Bellwort
Straw Lily
Wild Oats
Sessile-leaf Bellwort
Sessile Bellwort
Valerianella amarellaHairy Cornsalad
Valerianella amarellaHairy Cornsalad
Vaccinium angustifoliumLowbush Blueberry
Late Lowbush Blueberry
Vaccinium angustifoliumLowbush Blueberry
Late Lowbush Blueberry
Vaccinium arboreumFarkleberry
Tree Sparkleberry
Winter Huckleberry
Valeriana arizonicaArizona Valerian
Valeriana capitataCapitate Valerian
Mountain Valerian
Vaccinium cespitosumDwarf Bilberry
Dwarf Blueberry
Dwarf Huckleberry
Vancouveria chrysanthaGolden Insideout Flower
Vancouveria chrysanthaGolden Insideout Flower
Vancouveria chrysanthaGolden Insideout Flower
Vancouveria chrysanthaGolden Insideout Flower
Vaccinium corymbosumHighbush Blueberry
Vachellia constrictaWhitethorn Acacia
White-thorn Acacia
Mescat Acacia
Mescat Wattle
Vara Prieta
Chaparro Prieto
Vauquelinia corymbosa ssp. angustifoliaChisos Rosewood
Slimleaf Rosewood
Narrowleaf Rosewood
Narrowleaf Vauquelinia
Vauquel Bush
Palo Prieto
Valeriana dioicaMarsh Valerian
Vachellia farnesianaHuisache
Texas Huisache
Sweet Acacia
Perfume Acacia
Mealy Acacia
Mealy Wattle
Vachellia farnesianaHuisache
Texas Huisache
Sweet Acacia
Perfume Acacia
Mealy Acacia
Mealy Wattle
Vachellia farnesianaHuisache
Texas Huisache
Sweet Acacia
Perfume Acacia
Mealy Acacia
Mealy Wattle
Vancouveria hexandraWhite Insideout Flower
White Inside-out-flower
Northern Inside-out Flower
Vancouveria hexandraWhite Insideout Flower
White Inside-out-flower
Northern Inside-out Flower
Vancouveria hexandraWhite Insideout Flower
White Inside-out-flower
Northern Inside-out Flower
Vancouveria hexandraWhite Insideout Flower
White Inside-out-flower
Northern Inside-out Flower
Vancouveria hexandraWhite Insideout Flower
White Inside-out-flower
Northern Inside-out Flower
Vaccinium myrtilloidesVelvetleaf Huckleberry
Vaccinium myrtilloidesVelvetleaf Huckleberry
Vaccinium myrtilloidesVelvetleaf Huckleberry
Vaccinium ovalifoliumOval-leaf Blueberry
Vaccinium ovalifoliumOval-leaf Blueberry
Vaccinium ovalifoliumOval-leaf Blueberry
Vaccinium ovalifoliumOval-leaf Blueberry
Vaccinium oxycoccosSmall Cranberry
Vaccinium oxycoccosSmall Cranberry
Valerianella radiataBeaked Cornsalad
Woods Corn-salad
Valerianella radiataBeaked Cornsalad
Woods Corn-salad
Valerianella radiataBeaked Cornsalad
Woods Corn-salad
Valerianella radiataBeaked Cornsalad
Woods Corn-salad
Valerianella radiataBeaked Cornsalad
Woods Corn-salad
Valeriana sitchensisSitka Valerian
Mountain Helioptrope
Valeriana sitchensisSitka Valerian
Mountain Helioptrope
Valeriana sitchensisSitka Valerian
Mountain Helioptrope
Valeriana sitchensisSitka Valerian
Mountain Helioptrope
Vaccinium stamineumDeerberry
Vaccinium uliginosumBog Blueberry
Alpine Blueberry
Vaccinium uliginosumBog Blueberry
Alpine Blueberry
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