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H. L. Blomquist Garden of Native Plants

Images from H. L. Blomquist Garden of Native Plants at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Contributed December, 2005, by Stefan Bloodworth, Horticulturist, Sarah P. Duke Gardens.

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454 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

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Echinacea tennesseensisTennessee Purple Coneflower
Elephantopus tomentosusElephant's-foot
Common Elephant's-foot
Devil's Grandmother
Elephantopus tomentosusElephant's-foot
Common Elephant's-foot
Devil's Grandmother
Enemion biternatumEastern False Rue Anemone
Erythronium albidumWhite Troutlily
White Dogtooth-violet
White Fawnlily
Erythronium americanumYellow Trout-lily
American Trout-lily
Eastern Trout-lily
Yellow Dogtooth Violet
Adder's Tongue
Eryngium integrifoliumBlueflower Eryngo
Blue-flower Coyote-thistle
Erigeron strigosusPrairie Fleabane
Daisy Fleabane
Common Eastern Fleabane
Eryngium yuccifoliumRattlesnake Master
Button Eryngo
Button Snakeroot
Bear's Grass
Euonymus americanusAmerican Strawberry Bush
Strawberry Bush
Brook Euonymus
Bursting Heart
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