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Wasowski Collection

Andy Wasowski, a freelance writer and photographer, and Sally Wasowski, a landscape designer, have written nine books including Native Texas Plants and Native Texas Gardens, Requiem for a Lawnmower and Gardening for a Hotter, Drier Climate. In June, 2005, the Wasowskis contributed an extensive collection of native plant and landscape photos to the Wildflower Center adding 3939 photos to the Native Plant Information Network image gallery.

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3,888 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Opuntia phaeacanthaTulip Prickly Pear
Brownspine Prickly Pear Cactus
Purple-fruited Prickly Pear
Brown-spined Prickly Pear
New Mexico Prickly Pear
Desert Prickly Pear
Opuntia phaeacanthaTulip Prickly Pear
Brownspine Prickly Pear Cactus
Purple-fruited Prickly Pear
Brown-spined Prickly Pear
New Mexico Prickly Pear
Desert Prickly Pear
Opuntia polyacanthaPlains Prickly Pear
Hair-spine Prickly Pear
Nopal Peludito
Opuntia polyacanthaPlains Prickly Pear
Hair-spine Prickly Pear
Nopal Peludito
Opuntia polyacanthaPlains Prickly Pear
Hair-spine Prickly Pear
Nopal Peludito
Opuntia santa-ritaSanta Rita Prickly Pear
Purple Prickly Pear
Opuntia santa-ritaSanta Rita Prickly Pear
Purple Prickly Pear
Orontium aquaticumGoldenclub
Osmanthus americanusAmerican Olive
Wild Olive
Osmanthus americanusAmerican Olive
Wild Olive
Osmunda cinnamomeaCinnamon Fern
Osmunda cinnamomeaCinnamon Fern
Osmunda cinnamomeaCinnamon Fern
Osmunda regalisRoyal Fern
Osmunda regalisRoyal Fern
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilisRoyal Fern
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilisRoyal Fern
Ostrya virginianaEastern Hop-hornbeam
American Hop-hornbeam
Woolly Hop-hornbean
Eastern Ironwood
Roughbark Ironwood
Ostrya virginianaEastern Hop-hornbeam
American Hop-hornbeam
Woolly Hop-hornbean
Eastern Ironwood
Roughbark Ironwood
Ostrya virginianaEastern Hop-hornbeam
American Hop-hornbeam
Woolly Hop-hornbean
Eastern Ironwood
Roughbark Ironwood
Ostrya virginianaEastern Hop-hornbeam
American Hop-hornbeam
Woolly Hop-hornbean
Eastern Ironwood
Roughbark Ironwood
Oxydendrum arboreumSourwood
Sorrel Tree
Oxydendrum arboreumSourwood
Sorrel Tree
Oxydendrum arboreumSourwood
Sorrel Tree
Oxydendrum arboreumSourwood
Sorrel Tree
Oxydendrum arboreumSourwood
Sorrel Tree
Oxydendrum arboreumSourwood
Sorrel Tree
Oxydendrum arboreumSourwood
Sorrel Tree
Oxydendrum arboreumSourwood
Sorrel Tree
Oxydendrum arboreumSourwood
Sorrel Tree
Oxytropis lambertiiPurple Locoweed
Oxytropis lambertiiPurple Locoweed
Oxytropis lambertii var. articulataPurple Locoweed
Oxytropis monticolaYellowflower Locoweed
Oxytropis sericea var. sericeaWhite Locoweed
Parkinsonia aculeataRetama
Mexican Paloverde
Jerusalem Thorn
Lluvia De Oro
Parkinsonia aculeataRetama
Mexican Paloverde
Jerusalem Thorn
Lluvia De Oro
Parkinsonia aculeataRetama
Mexican Paloverde
Jerusalem Thorn
Lluvia De Oro
Parkinsonia aculeataRetama
Mexican Paloverde
Jerusalem Thorn
Lluvia De Oro
Packera aureaGolden Groundsel
Golden Ragwort
Packera aureaGolden Groundsel
Golden Ragwort
Paxistima canbyiCanby's Mountain-lover
Palafoxia callosaSmall Palafox
Small Palafoxia
Parkinsonia floridaBlue Paloverde
Parkinsonia floridaBlue Paloverde
Parkinsonia floridaBlue Paloverde
Parkinsonia floridaBlue Paloverde
Parkinsonia floridaBlue Paloverde
Parkinsonia floridaBlue Paloverde
Packera glabellaButterweed
Cress-leaf Groundsel
Palafoxia hookerianaSand Palafox
Showy Palafox
Hooker Palafoxia
Sand Palafoxia
Hooker's Palafoxia
Palafoxia hookerianaSand Palafox
Showy Palafox
Hooker Palafoxia
Sand Palafoxia
Hooker's Palafoxia
Parthenium incanumMariola
Parthenium integrifoliumWild Quinine
American Fever-few
Parthenium integrifoliumWild Quinine
American Fever-few
Parthenium integrifoliumWild Quinine
American Fever-few
Parthenium integrifoliumWild Quinine
American Fever-few
Passiflora incarnataMaypop
Purple Passionflower
Purple Passion Vine
Apricot Vine
Passiflora incarnataMaypop
Purple Passionflower
Purple Passion Vine
Apricot Vine
Passiflora incarnataMaypop
Purple Passionflower
Purple Passion Vine
Apricot Vine
Pavonia lasiopetalaRock Rose
Rose Pavonia
Rose Mallow
Pavonia lasiopetalaRock Rose
Rose Pavonia
Rose Mallow
Pavonia lasiopetalaRock Rose
Rose Pavonia
Rose Mallow
Pavonia lasiopetalaRock Rose
Rose Pavonia
Rose Mallow
Pavonia lasiopetalaRock Rose
Rose Pavonia
Rose Mallow
Parkinsonia microphyllaYellow Paloverde
Foothill Paloverde
Littleleaf Paloverde
Parkinsonia microphyllaYellow Paloverde
Foothill Paloverde
Littleleaf Paloverde
Paxistima myrsinitesOregon Boxleaf
Myrtle Boxwood
Mountain Lover
Paxistima myrsinitesOregon Boxleaf
Myrtle Boxwood
Mountain Lover
Packera obovataGolden Groundsel
Roundleaf Groundsel
Roundleaf Ragwort
Packera obovataGolden Groundsel
Roundleaf Groundsel
Roundleaf Ragwort
Packera obovataGolden Groundsel
Roundleaf Groundsel
Roundleaf Ragwort
Pachysandra procumbensAllegheny Spurge
Mountain Spurge
Panax quinquefoliusAmerican Ginseng
Wild Ginseng
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Pascopyrum smithiiWestern Wheatgrass
Pascopyrum smithiiWestern Wheatgrass
Pascopyrum smithiiWestern Wheatgrass
Palafoxia sphacelataOthake
Sand Palafoxia
Parkinsonia texana var. macraTexas Paloverde
Border Paloverde
Pappophorum vaginatumWhiplash Pappusgrass
Pappophorum vaginatumWhiplash Pappusgrass
Pappophorum vaginatumWhiplash Pappusgrass
Panicum virgatumSwitchgrass
Wand Panic Grass
Panicum virgatumSwitchgrass
Wand Panic Grass
Panicum virgatumSwitchgrass
Wand Panic Grass
Panicum virgatumSwitchgrass
Wand Panic Grass
Panicum virgatumSwitchgrass
Wand Panic Grass
Panicum virgatumSwitchgrass
Wand Panic Grass
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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3,888 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page