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Wasowski Collection

Andy Wasowski, a freelance writer and photographer, and Sally Wasowski, a landscape designer, have written nine books including Native Texas Plants and Native Texas Gardens, Requiem for a Lawnmower and Gardening for a Hotter, Drier Climate. In June, 2005, the Wasowskis contributed an extensive collection of native plant and landscape photos to the Wildflower Center adding 3939 photos to the Native Plant Information Network image gallery.

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3,888 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Pinus glabraSpruce Pine
Pistacia mexicanaMexican Pistachio
Texas Pistachio
American Pistachio
Copal Pistachio
Wild Pistachio
Texas Pistache
Pistacia mexicanaMexican Pistachio
Texas Pistachio
American Pistachio
Copal Pistachio
Wild Pistachio
Texas Pistache
Pinus palustrisLongleaf Pine
Georgia Pine
Longleaf Yellow Pine
Southern Yellow Pine
Longstraw Pine
Hill Pine
Hard Pine
Heart Pine
Pinus palustrisLongleaf Pine
Georgia Pine
Longleaf Yellow Pine
Southern Yellow Pine
Longstraw Pine
Hill Pine
Hard Pine
Heart Pine
Pinus palustrisLongleaf Pine
Georgia Pine
Longleaf Yellow Pine
Southern Yellow Pine
Longstraw Pine
Hill Pine
Hard Pine
Heart Pine
Pinus palustrisLongleaf Pine
Georgia Pine
Longleaf Yellow Pine
Southern Yellow Pine
Longstraw Pine
Hill Pine
Hard Pine
Heart Pine
Pinus palustrisLongleaf Pine
Georgia Pine
Longleaf Yellow Pine
Southern Yellow Pine
Longstraw Pine
Hill Pine
Hard Pine
Heart Pine
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine
Western Yellow Pine
Pino Blanco
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine
Western Yellow Pine
Pino Blanco
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine
Western Yellow Pine
Pino Blanco
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine
Western Yellow Pine
Pino Blanco
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine
Western Yellow Pine
Pino Blanco
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine
Western Yellow Pine
Pino Blanco
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine
Western Yellow Pine
Pino Blanco
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine
Western Yellow Pine
Pino Blanco
Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorumRocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine
Interior Ponderosa Pine
Black Hills Ponderosa Pine
Ponderosa Pine
Picea pungensBlue Spruce
Colorado Spruce
Pinus strobusEastern White Pine
Weymouth Pine
Pinus strobusEastern White Pine
Weymouth Pine
Pinus strobusEastern White Pine
Weymouth Pine
Pinus strobusEastern White Pine
Weymouth Pine
Pinus taedaLoblolly Pine
Oldfield Pine
Bull Pine
Rosemary Pine
Pinus taedaLoblolly Pine
Oldfield Pine
Bull Pine
Rosemary Pine
Pinus taedaLoblolly Pine
Oldfield Pine
Bull Pine
Rosemary Pine
Pinus taedaLoblolly Pine
Oldfield Pine
Bull Pine
Rosemary Pine
Pinus torreyanaTorrey Pine
Pinus virginianaVirginia Pine
Jersey Pine
Scrub Pine
Pinus virginianaVirginia Pine
Jersey Pine
Scrub Pine
Planera aquaticaPlaner Tree
Water Elm
Pleuraphis jamesiiJames' Galleta
Pleuraphis jamesiiJames' Galleta
Platanus occidentalisAmerican Sycamore
Eastern Sycamore
American Plane Tree
Plane Tree
Buttonball Tree
Platanus racemosaCalifornia Sycamore
Western Sycamore
Platanus racemosaCalifornia Sycamore
Western Sycamore
Plumbago scandensDoctorbush
Summer Snow Plumbago
Mexican Plumbago
Plumbago scandensDoctorbush
Summer Snow Plumbago
Mexican Plumbago
Polystichum acrostichoidesChristmas Fern
Polystichum acrostichoidesChristmas Fern
Polystichum acrostichoidesChristmas Fern
Populus ×acuminataLanceleaf Cottonwood
Populus ×acuminataLanceleaf Cottonwood
Polygala albaWhite Milkwort
Polygonum amphibium var. emersumLongroot Smartweed
Populus angustifoliaNarrowleaf Cottonwood
Narrow-leaf Cottonwood
Populus angustifoliaNarrowleaf Cottonwood
Narrow-leaf Cottonwood
Poa arachniferaTexas Bluegrass
Texas Blue Grass
Poa arachniferaTexas Bluegrass
Texas Blue Grass
Poa arachniferaTexas Bluegrass
Texas Blue Grass
Poa arachniferaTexas Bluegrass
Texas Blue Grass
Poa arachniferaTexas Bluegrass
Texas Blue Grass
Poa arachniferaTexas Bluegrass
Texas Blue Grass
Poa arachniferaTexas Bluegrass
Texas Blue Grass
Potentilla argutaTall Cinquefoil
White Cinquefoil
Prairie Cinquefoil
Polygonatum biflorumSmooth Solomon's Seal
Great Solomon's-seal
Polygonatum biflorumSmooth Solomon's Seal
Great Solomon's-seal
Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatumGreat Solomon's Seal
Giant Solomon's Seal
Pontederia cordataPickerelweed
Pickerel Rush
Pontederia cordataPickerelweed
Pickerel Rush
Pontederia cordataPickerelweed
Pickerel Rush
Populus deltoidesEastern Cottonwood
Carolina Poplar
Necklace Poplar
Populus deltoidesEastern Cottonwood
Carolina Poplar
Necklace Poplar
Populus deltoidesEastern Cottonwood
Carolina Poplar
Necklace Poplar
Populus deltoidesEastern Cottonwood
Carolina Poplar
Necklace Poplar
Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeniRio Grande Cottonwood
Valley Cottonwood
Wislizenus Cottonwood
Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeniRio Grande Cottonwood
Valley Cottonwood
Wislizenus Cottonwood
Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeniRio Grande Cottonwood
Valley Cottonwood
Wislizenus Cottonwood
Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeniRio Grande Cottonwood
Valley Cottonwood
Wislizenus Cottonwood
Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeniRio Grande Cottonwood
Valley Cottonwood
Wislizenus Cottonwood
Polanisia dodecandra ssp. trachyspermaSandyseed Clammyweed
Poa fendlerianaMuttongrass
Poa fendlerianaMuttongrass
Poa fendlerianaMuttongrass
Poa fendlerianaMuttongrass
Populus fremontiiFremont Cottonwood
Western Cottonwood
Gila Cottonwood
Populus fremontii ssp. fremontiiFremont Cottonwood
Potentilla glandulosaSticky Cinquefoil
Potentilla hippianaWoolly Cinquefoil
Polytaenia nuttalliiNuttall's Prairie Parsley
Prairie Parsley
Wild Dill
Prairie Parsnip
Podophyllum peltatumMayapple
Indian Apple
Wild Mandrake
Pomme De Mai
Podophylle Pelt
Podophyllum peltatumMayapple
Indian Apple
Wild Mandrake
Pomme De Mai
Podophylle Pelt
Podophyllum peltatumMayapple
Indian Apple
Wild Mandrake
Pomme De Mai
Podophylle Pelt
Podophyllum peltatumMayapple
Indian Apple
Wild Mandrake
Pomme De Mai
Podophylle Pelt
Podophyllum peltatumMayapple
Indian Apple
Wild Mandrake
Pomme De Mai
Podophylle Pelt
Podophyllum peltatumMayapple
Indian Apple
Wild Mandrake
Pomme De Mai
Podophylle Pelt
Polemonium reptansGreek Valerian
Jacob's Ladder
Polygala sanguineaPurple Milkwort
Polygala senegaSeneca Snakeroot
Potentilla thurberiScarlet Cinquefoil
Populus tremuloidesQuaking Aspen
Golden Aspen
Trembling Aspen
Mountain Aspen
Trembling Poplar
Alamo Blanco
Populus tremuloidesQuaking Aspen
Golden Aspen
Trembling Aspen
Mountain Aspen
Trembling Poplar
Alamo Blanco
Populus tremuloidesQuaking Aspen
Golden Aspen
Trembling Aspen
Mountain Aspen
Trembling Poplar
Alamo Blanco
Populus tremuloidesQuaking Aspen
Golden Aspen
Trembling Aspen
Mountain Aspen
Trembling Poplar
Alamo Blanco
Populus tremuloidesQuaking Aspen
Golden Aspen
Trembling Aspen
Mountain Aspen
Trembling Poplar
Alamo Blanco
Populus tremuloidesQuaking Aspen
Golden Aspen
Trembling Aspen
Mountain Aspen
Trembling Poplar
Alamo Blanco
Populus tremuloidesQuaking Aspen
Golden Aspen
Trembling Aspen
Mountain Aspen
Trembling Poplar
Alamo Blanco
Prunus americanaAmerican Plum
Wild Plum
Prunus americanaAmerican Plum
Wild Plum
Prunus americanaAmerican Plum
Wild Plum
Prunus americanaAmerican Plum
Wild Plum
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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3,888 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page