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Wasowski Collection

Andy Wasowski, a freelance writer and photographer, and Sally Wasowski, a landscape designer, have written nine books including Native Texas Plants and Native Texas Gardens, Requiem for a Lawnmower and Gardening for a Hotter, Drier Climate. In June, 2005, the Wasowskis contributed an extensive collection of native plant and landscape photos to the Wildflower Center adding 3939 photos to the Native Plant Information Network image gallery.

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3,888 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Baccharis pilularisCoyotebrush
Chaparral Broom
Coyote Bush
Baccharis sarothroidesDesert Broom
Baccharis sarothroidesDesert Broom
Baccharis sarothroidesDesert Broom
Baccharis sarothroidesDesert Broom
Balsamorhiza sagittataArrowleaf Balsamroot
Arrow-leaf Balsamroot
Balsamorhiza sagittataArrowleaf Balsamroot
Arrow-leaf Balsamroot
Balsamorhiza sagittataArrowleaf Balsamroot
Arrow-leaf Balsamroot
Balduina unifloraOneflower Honeycombhead
Berlandiera betonicifoliaTexas Greeneyes
Berlandiera betonicifoliaTexas Greeneyes
Berlandiera betonicifoliaTexas Greeneyes
Berlandiera betonicifoliaTexas Greeneyes
Besseya bulliiBull's Coraldrops
Kitten Tails
Northern Kittentail
Betula nigraRiver Birch
Red Birch
Black Birch
Water Birch
Betula nigraRiver Birch
Red Birch
Black Birch
Water Birch
Betula nigraRiver Birch
Red Birch
Black Birch
Water Birch
Betula nigraRiver Birch
Red Birch
Black Birch
Water Birch
Betula nigraRiver Birch
Red Birch
Black Birch
Water Birch
Betula occidentalisWater Birch
Mountain Birch
Bidens aristosaBearded Beggarticks
Tickseed Sunflower
Bignonia capreolataCrossvine
Bignonia capreolataCrossvine
Blephilia ciliataDowny Pagoda-plant
Sunny Woodmint
Ohio Horsemint
Blepharoneuron tricholepisPine Dropseed
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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3,888 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page