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Wasowski, Sally and Andy

Andy Wasowski, a freelance writer and photographer, and Sally Wasowski, a landscape designer, have written nine books including Native Texas Plants and Native Texas Gardens, Requiem for a Lawnmower and Gardening for a Hotter, Drier Climate. In June, 2005, the Wasowskis contributed an extensive collection of native plant and landscape photos to the Wildflower Center adding 3939 photos to the Native Plant Information Network image gallery.

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.

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scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Spigelia marilandicaWoodland Pinkroot
Indian Pink
Spartina pectinataPrairie Cordgrass
Freshwater Cordgrass
Spartina pectinataPrairie Cordgrass
Freshwater Cordgrass
Spartina pectinataPrairie Cordgrass
Freshwater Cordgrass
Spartina pectinataPrairie Cordgrass
Freshwater Cordgrass
Spartina pectinataPrairie Cordgrass
Freshwater Cordgrass
Spartina pectinataPrairie Cordgrass
Freshwater Cordgrass
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Streptopus amplexifoliusClaspleaf Twistedstalk
Claspleaf Twisted-stalk
White Mandarin
Styrax americanusAmerican Snowbell
American Snowbells
American Silverbells
Big-leaf Snowbell
Stachys coccineaScarlet Betony
Texas Betony
Scarlet Hedgenettle
Scarlet Hedge-nettle
Stachys coccineaScarlet Betony
Texas Betony
Scarlet Hedgenettle
Scarlet Hedge-nettle
Stachys coccineaScarlet Betony
Texas Betony
Scarlet Hedgenettle
Scarlet Hedge-nettle
Stachys coccineaScarlet Betony
Texas Betony
Scarlet Hedgenettle
Scarlet Hedge-nettle
Stachys coccineaScarlet Betony
Texas Betony
Scarlet Hedgenettle
Scarlet Hedge-nettle
Stylophorum diphyllumCelandine Poppy
Yellow Wood Poppy
Stylophorum diphyllumCelandine Poppy
Yellow Wood Poppy
Stemodia lanataWoolly Stemodia
Gray-woolly Twintip
Stemodia lanataWoolly Stemodia
Gray-woolly Twintip
Stokesia laevisStokes Aster
Stokesia laevisStokes Aster
Stokesia laevisStokes Aster
Stenosiphon linifoliusFalse Gaura
Stenosiphon linifoliusFalse Gaura
Stewartia malacodendronSilky Camellia
Virginia Stewartia
Round-fruited Stewartia
Stewartia malacodendronSilky Camellia
Virginia Stewartia
Round-fruited Stewartia
Stewartia malacodendronSilky Camellia
Virginia Stewartia
Round-fruited Stewartia
Stewartia malacodendronSilky Camellia
Virginia Stewartia
Round-fruited Stewartia
Stenaria nigricans var. nigricansDiamondflowers
Narrowleaf Bluets
Baby's Breath
Fine-leaf Bluets
Stachys palustrisMarsh Hedgenettle
Stanleya pinnataDesert Princes' Plume
Golden Princes' Plume
Golden Desert Plume
Sentinel Of The Plains
Stanleya pinnataDesert Princes' Plume
Golden Princes' Plume
Golden Desert Plume
Sentinel Of The Plains
Stanleya pinnataDesert Princes' Plume
Golden Princes' Plume
Golden Desert Plume
Sentinel Of The Plains
Styrax platanifoliusSycamore-leaf Snowbell
Styrax platanifoliusSycamore-leaf Snowbell
Styrax platanifoliusSycamore-leaf Snowbell
Styrax platanifolius ssp. platanifoliusSycamoreleaf Snowbell
Stillingia texanaTexas Queen's Delight
Queen's Delight
Texas Toothleaf
Stenocereus thurberiOrganpipe Cactus
Organ-pipe Cactus
Stenocereus thurberiOrganpipe Cactus
Organ-pipe Cactus
Stenocereus thurberiOrganpipe Cactus
Organ-pipe Cactus
Stenocereus thurberiOrganpipe Cactus
Organ-pipe Cactus
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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