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3,142 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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Carex lupulinaHop Sedge
Carex luridaShallow Sedge
Sallow Sedge
Lurid Sedge
Carex lucorum var. lucorumBlue Ridge Sedge
Carex magellanicaBoreal Bog Sedge
Tall Bog-sedge
Cardamine maximaLarge Toothwort
Carex magellanica ssp. irriguaBoreal Bog Sedge
Poor Sedge
Carex mesochoreaMidland Sedge
Carex meadiiMead's Sedge
Carex michauxianaMichaux's Sedge
Carex mitchellianaMitchell's Sedge
Carex molestaTroublesome Sedge
Carex muehlenbergiiMuhlenberg's Sedge
Carex muehlenbergii var. enervisMuhlenberg's Sedge
Carex muehlenbergii var. muehlenbergiiMuhlenberg's Sedge
Carex nebrascensisNebraska Sedge
Castanea ŚneglectaChestnut
Neglected Chestnut
Carex nigromarginataBlack Edge Sedge
Carex normalisGreater Straw Sedge
Carex novae-angliaeNew England Sedge
Carex oligocarpaRichwoods Sedge
Sparse-fruited Sedge
Carex oligospermaFewseed Sedge
Carex oligosperma var. oligospermaFewseed Sedge
Carex ormostachyaNecklace Spike Sedge
Carya ovataShagbark Hickory
Carolina Hickory
Scalybark Hickory
Upland Hickory
Shellbark Hickory
Carya ovalisPignut Hickory
Red Hickory
Carex ovalisEggbract Sedge
Calla palustrisWater Arum
Wild Calla
Cardamine parvifloraSand Bittercress
Carex pallescensPale Sedge
Carex paucifloraFewflower Sedge
Caltha palustrisYellow Marsh Marigold
Callitriche palustrisVernal Water-starwort
Cardamine parviflora var. arenicolaSand Bittercress
Caltha palustris var. palustrisYellow Marsh Marigold
Carex peckiiPeck's Sedge
Cardamine pensylvanicaPennsylvania Bittercress
Carex pedunculataLongstalk Sedge
Carex pellitaWoolly Sedge
Carex pensylvanicaPennsylvania Sedge
Carex planispicataFlat-spiked Sedge
Carex plantagineaPlantainleaf Sedge
Plantain-leaf Sedge
Carex platyphyllaBroadleaf Sedge
Calamagrostis porteriPorter's Reed Grass
Porter's Reedgrass
Carex polymorphaMany Forms Sedge
Variable Sedge
Calamagrostis porteri ssp. porteriPorter's Reed Grass
Porter's Reedgrass
Carex prasinaDrooping Sedge
Cardamine pratensisCuckoo Flower
Carex praegracilisBlackcreeper Sedge
Clustered Field Sedge
Field Sedge
Slim Sedge
Carex praireaPrairie Sedge
Carex projectaNecklace Sedge
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3,142 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention