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20,730 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

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Senna ripleyanaRipley's Senna
Senegalia roemerianaRoemer Acacia
Roemer's Acacia
Roundflower Catclaw
Round-flowered Catclaw
Catclaw Acacia
Senna roemerianaTwoleaf Senna
Two Leaved Senna
Selaginella rupestrisRock Spike-moss
Dwarf Spike-moss
Northern Selaginella
Resurrection Plant
Selaginella rupincolaClubmoss
Rock-loving Spike-moss
Rockloving Spikemoss
Spike Moss
Sedum rupicolaCascade Stonecrop
Curvedleaf Stonecrop
Selaginella sandvicensisHawaii Spikemoss
Dwarf Spikemoss
Lepelepe a Moa
Senecio sacramentanusSacramento Ragwort
Senecio scorzonellaSierra Ragwort
Setaria scheeleiSouthwestern Bristlegrass
Scheele's Bristlegrass
Scheele's Foxtail Grass
Foxtail Grass
Selaginella selaginoidesNorthern Spike-moss
Prickly Mountain-moss
Club Spike-moss
Lesser Clubmoss
Low Spike-moss
Senecio serraTall Ragwort
Sequoia sempervirensCoast Redwood
California Redwood
Sesuvium sessileWestern Seapurslane
Senecio serra var. admirabilisTall Ragwort
Senecio serra var. serraTall Ragwort
Senecio sheldonensisMt. Sheldon Ragwort
Selaginella sibiricaSiberian Spike Moss
Siberian Spike-moss
Siberian Spikemoss
Senecio soldanellaColorado Ragwort
Sedum spathulifoliumBroadleaf Stonecrop
Broad-leaf Stonecrop
Common Stonecrop
Senecio spartioidesBroomlike Ragwort
Broom Ragwort
Broom Groundsel
Senecio sphaerocephalusBallhead Ragwort
Selenicereus spinulosusSpiny Moon Cereus
Vine-like Moonlight Cactus
Vinelike Moonlight Cactus
Senecio spartioides var. multicapitatusBroomlike Ragwort
Sedum spathulifolium ssp. pruinosumBroad-leaf Stonecrop
Broadleaf Stonecrop
Pacific Stonecrop
Sedum spathulifolium ssp. purdyiPurdy's Stonecrop
Sedum spathulifolium ssp. spathulifoliumBroad-leaf Stonecrop
Broadleaf Stonecrop
Pacific Stonecrop
Senecio spartioides var. spartioidesBroom Groundsel
Broom-like Ragwort
Sedum spathulifolium ssp. yosemitenseBroad-leaf Stonecrop
Yosemite Stonecrop
Sedum stelliformeHuachuca Mountain Stonecrop
Sedum stenopetalumWormleaf Stonecrop
Sedum stenopetalum ssp. monanthumNarrow Leaf Stonecrop
Wormleaf Stonecrop
Sedum stenopetalum ssp. stenopetalumNarrow Leaf Stonecrop
Wormleaf Stonecrop
Senecio taraxacoidesDandelion Ragwort
Sedum ternatumWoodland Stonecrop
Wild Stonecrop
Setaria texanaTexas Bristlegrass
Selaginella tortipilaTwisted-hair Spikemoss
Sesbania tomentosaOahu Riverhemp
Sericocarpus tortifoliusDixie Whitetop Aster
Dixie White-topped Aster
Senecio triangularisArrowleaf Ragwort
Arrowleaf Groundsel
Selaginella underwoodiiUnderwood's Spike Moss
Underwood's Spike-moss
Underwood's Spikemoss
Selaginella utahensisUtah Spike Moss
Utah Spike-moss
Utah Spikemoss
Selaginella viridissimaGreen Spike Moss
Green Spike-moss
Green Spikemoss
Slender Spike-moss
Setaria villosissimaHairyleaf Bristlegrass
Sedum villosumHairy Stonecrop
Orpin Velu
Purple Stonecrop
Setaria vulpisetaPlains Bristlegrass
Selaginella wallaceiWallace Moss Fern
Wallace's Spike Moss
Wallace's Spike-moss
Wallace's Spikemoss
Selaginella watsoniiWatson's Spikemoss
Senecio warnockiiWarnock's Ragwort
Selaginella weatherbianaRocky Mountain Spike-moss
Weatherby's Spike Moss
Weatherby's Spikemoss
Senna wislizeniCanyon Senna
Shrubby Senna
Dwarf Senna
Wislizenus's Senna
Wislizenus's Wild Sensitive-plant
Palo Prieto
Senecio wootoniiWooton's Ragwort
Sedum wrightiiWright's Stonecrop
Selaginella wrightiiWright's Spikemoss
Senegalia wrightiiWright Acacia
Wright's Acacia
Catclaw Acacia
Sedum wrightii ssp. priscumWright's Stonecrop
Sedum wrightii ssp. wrightiiWright's Stonecrop
Shepherdia argenteaSilver Buffaloberry
Shepherdia canadensisRusset Buffaloberry
Shortia galacifoliaOconee Bells
Shortia galacifolia var. brevistylaOconee Bells
Catawba Shortia
Shortia galacifolia var. galacifoliaOconee Bells
Shoshonea pulvinataShoshone Carrot
Shepherdia rotundifoliaRoundleaf Buffaloberry
Sida abutifoliaSpreading Fanpetals
Spreading Sida
Silene acaulisMoss Campion
Cushion Pink
Sisyrinchium acreHawai'i Blue-eyed Grass
Mauu Houla Ili
Mauu Laili
Silene acaulis var. acaulisCushion-pink
Moss Campion
Silene acaulis var. exscapaMoss Campion
Silene acaulis var. subacaulescensMoss Campion
Cushion Pink
Silphium albiflorumWhite Rosinweed
White-flowered Rosinweed
Compass Plant
Sideroxylon alachuenseAlachua Bully
Clark's Buckthorn
Silver Bully
Silvery Buckthorn
Sisyrinchium albidumWhite Blue-eyed Grass
Silene alexandriKamalo Gulch Catchfly
Sisyrinchium angustifoliumNarrowleaf Blue-eyed Grass
Narrow-leaf Blue-eyed-grass
Bermuda Blue-eyed Grass
Blue-eyed Grass
Silene apertaBare Campion
Naked Catchfly
Sisyrinchium arizonicumArizona Blue-eyed Grass
Silphium asteriscusStarry Rosinweed
Sidalcea asprellaDwarf Checkerbloom
Harsh Checker Mallow
Harsh Checkerbloom
Silphium asteriscus var. angustatumStarry Rosinweed
Sidalcea asprella ssp. asprellaDwarf Checkerbloom
Harsh Checkerbloom
Sierra Foothills Checker Mallow
Sierra Foothills Checkerbloom
Silphium asteriscus var. asteriscusStarry Rosinweed
Silphium asteriscus var. laevicauleStarry Rosinweed
Sidalcea asprella ssp. nanaDwarf Checkerbloom
Dwarf Harsh Checkerbloom
Dwarf Sierran Checker Mallow
Dwarf Sierran Checkerbloom
Sisyrinchium atlanticumEastern Blue-eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium bellumWestern Blue-eyed Grass
California Blue-eyed-grass
Silene bernardinaPalmer's Campion
Palmer's Catchfly
Silene bernardina ssp. bernardinaPalmer's Campion
Palmer's Catchfly
Silene bernardina ssp. maguireiPalmer's Campion
Palmer's Catchfly
Silene bernardina var. rigidulaPalmer's Catchfly
Palmer's Campion
Silene bernardina var. sierraePalmer's Catchfly
Palmer's Campion
Sisyrinchium biformeWiry Blue-eyed Grass
Silene bridgesiiBridges' Campion
Bridges' Catchfly
Silphium brachiatumCumberland Rosinweed
Sisyrinchium capillareNeedle Blue-eyed Grass
Sium carsoniiCarson's Waterparsnip
Carson's Water-parsnip
Sidalcea campestrisMeadow Checkerbloom
Sisyrinchium calciphilumLimestone Blue-eyed Grass
Sidalcea candidaWhite Checkerbloom
Silene californicaIndian Pink
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention