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Tetraneuris scaposa var. argyrocaulonStemmy Four-nerve Daisy
Tetraneuris scaposa var. linearisStemmy Four-nerve Daisy
Tetraneuris scaposa var. scaposaFour-nerve Daisy
Stemmy Four-nerve Daisy
Tetraneuris scaposa var. villosaBitterweed
Villous Four-nerve Daisy
Tephrosia spicataSpiked Hoarypea
Tetradymia spinosaShortspine Horsebrush
Spiny Horsebrush
Tecoma stansYellow Bells
Yellow Trumpetbush
Yellow Trumpetflower
Yellow Elder
Hardy Yellow Trumpet
Yellow Trumpet Bush
Tetradymia stenolepisMojave Cottonthorn
Tetramolopium sylvaeSeacliff Tetramolopium
Tetragonotheca texanaSquarebud Daisy
Square-bud Daisy
Tetradymia tetrameresFour Parted Horsebrush
Fourpart Horsebrush
Tetramolopium tenerrimumOahu Tetramolopium
Tephrosia thurberiThurber's Hoarypea
Tetraneuris torreyanaBitterweed
Torrey's Four-nerve Daisy
Tetraneuris turneriTurner's Four-nerve Daisy
Tetraneuris verdiensisBitterweed
Verde Four-nerve Daisy
Tephrosia virginianaGoat's Rue
Virginia Tephrosia
Devil's Shoestring
Tephrosia vicioidesRed Hoarypea
Tetraplasandra waialealaeMt. Waialeale 'Ohe
Tetraplasandra waimeae'Ohe Kiko 'Ola
Tephroseris yukonensisYukon Groundsel
Thymophylla acerosaPrickly-leaf Dogweed
Texas Dogweed
Shrubby Dogweed
Prickleleaf Dogweed
Prickleaf Dogweed
Fetid Marigold
Scrubby Dogweed
Thalictrum alpinumAlpine Meadow-rue
Alpine Meadowrue
Arctic Meadow-rue
Dwarf Meadow-rue
Pigamon Alpin
Thismia americanaBanded Trinity
Thelesperma ambiguumColorado Greenthread
Thalictrum arkansanumArkansas Meadow Rue
Arkansas Meadow-rue
Arkansas Meadowrue
Thelypteris augescensAbrupt-tip Maiden Fern
Abrupt-tipped Maiden Fern
Abrupttip Maiden Fern
Thelypodiopsis aureaDurango Tumble-mustard
Durango Tumblemustard
Thaspium barbinodeHairy-jointed Meadowparsnip
Thelocactus bicolorGlory Of Texas
Thelocactus bicolor var. bicolorGlory Of Texas
Thelocactus bicolor var. flavidispinusGlory Of Texas
Texas Pride
Thelypteris boydiaeBoyd's Maiden Fern
Kupukupu Makalii
Thelypodium brachycarpumShort Podded Thelypodium
Short-pod Thelypody
Shortpod Thelypody
Thelesperma caespitosumLow Greenthread
Thermopsis californicaCalifornia Goldenbanner
Thermopsis californica var. argentataCalifornia Goldenbanner
Thermopsis californica var. californicaCalifornia Goldenbanner
Thermopsis californica var. semotaCalifornia Goldenbanner
Thalictrum clavatumMountain Meadow-rue
Thalictrum coriaceumMaid Of The Mist
Thalictrum cooleyiCooley's Meadow-rue
Thelypodium crispumCrisped Thelypody
Wavy Leaved Thelypodium
Thelypteris cyatheoidesKikawaio
Lacy Maiden Fern
Thalictrum dasycarpumPurple Meadow-rue
Tall Meadow-rue
Meadow Rue
Thalia dealbataPowdery Alligator-flag
Powdery Thalia
Water Canna
Thalictrum debileSouthern Meadow-rue
Thalictrum dioicumEarly Meadow-rue
Thermopsis divaricarpaSpreadfruit Goldenbanner
Thelypodium eucosmumArrow-leaf Thelypody
World Thelypody
Thelypteris exindusiataKikawaio
Makaleha Maiden Fern
Thalictrum fendleriFendler's Meadow-rue
Thalictrum fendleri var. fendleriFendler's Meadow Rue
Fendler's Meadow-rue
Fendler's Meadowrue
Thalictrum fendleri var. polycarpumFendler's Meadow-rue
Thalictrum fendleri var. wrightiiWright's Meadow Rue
Wright's Meadow-rue
Wright's Meadowrue
Thelesperma filifolium var. filifoliumStiff Greenthread
Showy Navajo Tea
Thelypodium flexuosumNodding Thelypody
Perennial Thelypody
Spreading Thelypody
Thermopsis fraxinifoliaAshleaf Goldenbanner
Ash-leaved Bushpea
Thalia geniculataBent Alligator-flag
Arrow Root
Thelypteris globuliferaGlobular Maiden Fern
Palapalai a Kamapuaa
Thelypteris grandisCollier County Maiden Fern
Stately Maiden Fern
Thermopsis gracilisSlender Goldenbanner
Thermopsis gracilis var. gracilisSlender Goldenbanner
Thermopsis gracilis var. ovataSlender Goldenbanner
Thalictrum heliophilumCathedral Bluff Meadow Rue
Cathedral Bluff Meadow-rue
Cathedral Bluff Meadowrue
Rio Blanco Meadow-rue
Sun-loving Meadow-rue
Thelypteris hispidulaRoughhairy Maiden Fern
Hairy Maiden Fern
Thelypteris hispidula var. versicolorVariable Maiden Fern
St. John's Shield Fern
Variable Roughhairy Maiden Fern
Variable Hairy Maiden Fern
Thelypodium howelliiHowell's Spectacular Thelypody
Howell's Thelypody
Thelypodium howellii ssp. howelliiHowell's Thelypody
Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilisHowell's Spectacular Thelypody
Howell's Thelypody
Thelypteris interruptaHottentot Fern
Spready Tri-vein Fern
Willdenow's Maiden Fern
Thelypteris kunthiiWood Fern
River Fern
Southern Shield Fern
Kunth's Maiden Fern
Normal Shield Fern
Thelypodium laxiflorumCatleaf
Droop-flower Thelypody
Droopflower Thelypody
Thelesperma longipesLongstalk Greenthread
Thermopsis macrophyllaSanta Inez Goldenbanner
Large-leaf Golden-banner
False Lupine
California False Lupine
Thalictrum macrostylumPiedmont Meadow-rue
Small-leaf Meadow-rue
Piedmont Meadowrue
Piedmont Meadow Rue
Thelesperma megapotamicumHopi Tea Greenthread
Green Threads
Navajo Tea
Thalictrum minusLesser Meadow Rue
Lesser Meadow-rue
Small Meadowrue
Thalictrum mirabileLittle Mountain Meadow Rue
Little Mountain Meadow-rue
Little Mountain Meadowrue
Thymophylla micropoidesWoolly Pricklyleaf
Thamnosma montanaTurpentinebroom
Desert Rue
Turpentine Broom
Thermopsis mollisAllegheny Mountain Goldenbanner
Thermopsis montanaMountain Goldenbanner
Montane Golden-banner
Golden Pea
Thermopsis montana var. hitchcockiiMountain Goldenbanner
Thermopsis montana var. montanaMountain Goldenbanner
Thelypteris nevadensisNevada Marsh Fern
Sierra Marsh Fern
Sierra Nevada Maiden Fern
Thalictrum nigromontanumBlack Hills Meadow Rue
Black Hills Meadow-rue
Black Hills Meadowrue
Thelypteris noveboracensisNew York Fern
Tapering Fern
Thalictrum occidentaleWestern Meadow-rue
Thuja occidentalisArborvitae
Eastern Arborvitae
Northern White Cedar
Thalictrum occidentale var. macouniiWestern Meadow Rue
Western Meadow-rue
Western Meadowrue
Thalictrum occidentale var. occidentaleWestern Meadow Rue
Western Meadow-rue
Western Meadowrue
Thelypteris opulentaJeweled Maiden Fern
Thelypteris ovataOvate Maiden Fern
Ovate Marsh Fern
Thelypteris ovata var. lindheimeriLindheimer's Marsh Fern
Lindheimer's Maiden Fern
Thelypteris ovata var. ovataOvate Marsh Fern
Thelypteris palustrisEastern Marsh Fern
Marsh Fern
Thelypteris patensGrid-scale Maiden Fern
Gridscale Maiden Fern
Thelypodium paniculatumNorthwestern Thelypody
Thelypteris palustris var. pubescensEastern Marsh Fern
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention